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Cubicle Panel Cleaning Services Location : Hotel Sotis, Jakarta
Transformer Purification Services with BDV Sampling The work we often do is Purification or Treatment of Transformers. BDV sampling must always be carried out to determine the value of transformer oil, so it can be used to judge the ability of insulating oil when a breakdown voltage or electric
Our transformer oil purification systems are designed to completely remove gases, dehydration and filters to quickly restore the dielectric strength of transformer oil and insulating oil in load tap changers, switch gears and oil-filled circuit breakers.They are available in various
Substation Treatment ServicesSubstation is a distribution transformer that serves to channel electricity to the load area (industry, city, etc.). Transmission substations in the PLN are high voltage 150 KV and high voltage 70 KV. The substation is a unit of the transmission system. Distribution
Transformer Strengthening Services Strengthening the installation of this transformer is necessary because of the position or house where the initial transformer is raised, it is necessary to strengthen the installation of the transformer because the transformer is quite heavy. Our Experts can
Primary and Secondary Gasket Replacement Gasket replacement is very necessary to detect whether the transformer has an oil or oil leak. Because leaking oil can affect the performance of the transformer which is contaminated with air from the outside.The First Photo is the Primary (top) and
Cukup penting untuk menjaga kebersihan trafo karena setelah ditreatment kondisi fisik trafo pastilah kotor, apabila tidak dilakukan cleaning, debu yang menempel pada trafo memungkinkan masuk kedalam tubuh trafo sehingga menyebabkan terkontaminasinya kondisi dalam trafo.Selain itu, saat memasuki
Sebelum memulai pekerjaan Tim Kami membiasakan diri Briefing dan Berdoa ..Treatmant Oli Trafo sangat diperlukan untuk merefresh kinerja dari trafo itu sendiri ..Kami memiliki tenaga ahli yang mumpuni dalam pekerjaan ini , langkah pekerjaan terukur dengan tidak lupa melakukan test terlebih dahulu
Cubicle Treatment and Revision Services are our routine work. Our team always conducts a survey before doing work, so we can find out whether the transformer really only needs routine treatment or there are problems in other parts. We will always be careful in our work so that the trust given can
Replacement of packing transformer is not as easy as imagined. Because if the origin is very dangerous, especially if you have to drain oil until the paper insulation in the transformer winding is not covered by oil, special handling and caution from the overhaul team is necessary. We provide
Like yourself, transformers also need maintenance so that they can always work properly. Do maintenance or check the transformer machine regularly, so if something starts not working properly it can be repaired immediately so it doesn't interfere with the power of the transformer itself. Our team
Replacement Services for Medium Voltage Packing Transformers (TM)Replacement of packing transformers is done to maximize the transformer's work function. Medium voltage transformers are widely used for various industries such as factories. The transformer is able to increase the voltage to
Services for Replacement of Low Voltage Transformers (TR)Replacement of Packing Transformers cannot be done originally. Replacement Packing Transformers require technical especially if you have to drain oil until the paper insulation in the transformer winding is not covered by oil. The
Transformer Treatment ServiceA transformer is a device that is important to supply electricity. The transformer is able to increase the voltage to be doubled as needed. The transformer works based on the principle of Electromagnetic Induction and can only work on alternating current (AC).
Transformer Oil Replacement ServicesTransformer oil replacement is highly recommended when the transformer unit is hot faster, so it is unable to work optimally and is more risky to be damaged. Transformer oil functions as a cooling and insulation media. Penggntiannya can not be done carelessly
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