CV.Kei Samudera Utama - Jual Trafo Murah dan Cubicle Listrik
  • Turn Test Ratio (TTR) Pengukuran Perbandingan Belitan pada Trafo
  • Turn Test Ratio (TTR) Pengukuran Perbandingan Belitan pada Trafo
  • Turn Test Ratio (TTR) Pengukuran Perbandingan Belitan pada Trafo

Services Description Turn Test Ratio (TTR) Measurement of Comparison of Windings in Transformers

Turn Test Ratio (TTR) is a measurement of the ratio of turns (voltage) between the Primary and Secondary coils.

CV. Kei Samudera Utama has modern test equipment so that to detect imbalances or imperfections in the work of both primary and secondary transformer windings, they can be detected more accurately.
Our experts are also able to operate the modern test equipment properly, so you don't have to worry if there is an incorrect calculation result.

The test is carried out with the nominal voltage at TAP 3 20,000V to 400V and carried out on all voltages at TAP 1 - TAP5
TTR is very important in terms of transformer work maintenance.
Leave it to the experts to get maximum results.

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CV. Kei Samudera Utama

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