CV.Kei Samudera Utama - Jual Trafo Murah dan Cubicle Listrik
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Services Description 3M Brand Indoor Terminating Kit Replacement

Terminating Kit Replacement Services in the Electrical Panel

The Terminating Kit Replacement Process or the Termination Process is carried out if the Terminating Kit inside the Panel experiences an error or interference or experiences a corona, namely emitting sparks which are dangerous and can cause a short circuit.

The termination process functions to balance the incoming current to the sub panel or electronic device so that it does not overvoltage.

The following process for replacing the Terminating Kit uses a 3M Indoor Coolstring

Our team can do a variety of electrical work quite well and responsibly.

Entrust Transformer or other Electrical Maintenance Services at your place to us to get maximum results and long term security.

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