Electrical Repair Service

Electrical Repair Service

Cubicle Panel Cleaning Services Location : Hotel Sotis, Jakarta

Transformer Purification Services with BDV Sampling

Transformer Purification Services with BDV Sampling

Transformer Purification Services with BDV Sampling The work we often do is Purification or Treatment of Transformers. BDV sampling must always be carried out to determine the value of transformer oil, so it can be used to judge the ability of insulating oil when a breakdown voltage or electric

Grounding Testing Services

Grounding Testing Services

Grounding is a system that is intentionally designed as a grounding system that serves to negate potential differences so that if there is a voltage or current leak it will be directly discharged to earth. Grounding needs to be tested before being able to eliminate potential differences. We provide

UPS Installation Services 3000 VA / 3 KVA

UPS Installation Services 3000 VA / 3 KVA

UPS Installation Services 3000 VA / 3 KVA
UPS is a device that can provide temporary electrical energy when a main power failure occurs (PLN). Installation of UPS should not be carried out carelessly because it will make the UPS work no maximum. We provide professional UPS installation

Transformer Purification Services

Transformer Purification Services

Our transformer oil purification systems are designed to completely remove gases, dehydration and filters to quickly restore the dielectric strength of transformer oil and insulating oil in load tap changers, switch gears and oil-filled circuit breakers.
They are available in various

Ventilated Exhaust Fan Blower Installation Services

Ventilated Exhaust Fan Blower Installation Services

Exhaust Fan Blower Installation Installation of Exhaust Fan Blower functions as an air ventilator, which sucks air in the room out of the room. So that the air that has been contaminated with bacteria, pollution and even bad smells is thrown out of the room, the air in the room is maintained for

 Lightning Protection Installation Services at Mosques

Lightning Protection Installation Services at Mosques

Installation of lightning rods in mosques
Lightning is often a sign of rain. Lightning has a very high electric voltage, if not controlled properly it can threaten human life.Especially in places of worship that are sure to be visited by many worshipers, this lightning rod is very necessary, so

Flexible Busbar Replacement Services on Transformers

Flexible Busbar Replacement Services on Transformers

Flexible Busbar Replacement Services on Transformers Busbars are conductors made of copper or aluminum plates, which function as conductors of electrical energy as well as regulate the input and output systems of the electrical panel. There is no doubt about the effectiveness of using busbars as

Services for Welding Leak Fin Transformers

Services for Welding Leak Fin Transformers

The performance of a transformer is very reliable for supplying large amounts of electrical current. To get the maximum transformer performance a virgin is needed and checks regularly. Transformer leaks on fins are a threat that must be addressed immediately. These leaks can be overcome by welding,

Cable Tray Installation Services 50 x 10 x 700

Cable Tray Installation Services 50 x 10 x 700

Cable Tray Installation Services 50 x 10 x 700
Cable tray or tray cable is one type of device used to tidy up cable lines so that it is neat and safety. We provide professional tray installation services for hotels, offices, apartments and so on. We are supported by experts who are qualified and

TR Cable Replacement Services

TR Cable Replacement Services

The TR cable is likely to be damaged due to various things. In order for the panel to work optimally, all damage must be repaired immediately, one of which is by replacing the cable which is an important component. We provide a replacement jacket for TR cables for transformers and cubicles or

Substation Treatment Services

Substation Treatment Services

Substation Treatment Services
Substation is a distribution transformer that serves to channel electricity to the load area (industry, city, etc.). Transmission substations in the PLN are high voltage 150 KV and high voltage 70 KV. The substation is a unit of the transmission system. Distribution

Transformer House Installation Reinforcement Services

Transformer House Installation Reinforcement Services

Transformer Strengthening Services Strengthening the installation of this transformer is necessary because of the position or house where the initial transformer is raised, it is necessary to strengthen the installation of the transformer because the transformer is quite heavy. Our Experts can

Primary and Secondary Gasket Replacement Services

Primary and Secondary Gasket Replacement Services

Primary and Secondary Gasket Replacement Gasket replacement is very necessary to detect whether the transformer has an oil or oil leak. Because leaking oil can affect the performance of the transformer which is contaminated with air from the outside.

The First Photo is the Primary (top) and

Jasa Cleaning Trafo After Treatment

Jasa Cleaning Trafo After Treatment

Cukup penting untuk menjaga kebersihan trafo karena setelah ditreatment kondisi fisik trafo pastilah kotor, apabila tidak dilakukan cleaning, debu yang menempel pada trafo memungkinkan masuk kedalam tubuh trafo sehingga menyebabkan terkontaminasinya kondisi dalam trafo.Selain itu, saat memasuki